Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Lawrence trustees receive request for odor complaints

The Times-Reporter

BOLIVAR - Lawrence Township trustees have received a request for information and documents pertaining to any odor complaints or investigated by the township since Jan. 1, 2005.

The letter requesting the information was sent by Jason Perdion, an attorney with Baker and Hostetler LLP, Cleveland attorneys for Republic Waste Service of Ohio. A copy of the letter was sent to Tim Vandersall, general manager of Countywide Recycling and Disposal Facility located in Pike Township, Stark County.

Trustee Don Ackerman said at Thursday’s meeting the request was made under the open records act related to the odor monitoring program, complaints and investigations.

Perdion asked for copies of all information that relates to the township’s odoring monitoring program, the identity of the odor monitors implementing the program, and any training or funding that was received by the township for the program.

Last September the township purchased a Nasal Ranger field olfactometer that can monitor and detect odors and the range of them. The cost of $1,500 was partially paid by a grant from the Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District.

Zoning Inspector Bill Huth said about a dozen individuals from Lawrence and Pike townships were trained on the ranger so odors from the landfill could be detected and measured.

“I will be sending a letter to the law firm telling them they are welcome to come into the township office to review the files,” Huth said.

The township charges $1 for each copy made of any public documents.

Trustee chairman Mark Haueter said the trustees are encouraged that there is some progress being made toward resolving the Countywide RDF odor issue.

Trustees also passed a resolution in support of the renewal of the 1 percent sales tax for the county. The tax issue that will appear on the May 8 ballot generates about $9.2 million and a portion of the funds are awarded to townships.

In other business, trustees:

– HEARD Oxford Mining located on Reed Rd. in Lawrence Township is not permitted to drag dust and dirt onto Fort Laurens Rd. and the trustees are trying to deal with the company.

– REVIEWED a map of Holly Heights, a proposed housing development off N. Orchard on about 80 acres. Trustees said there is an absence of proper drainage in the development which must be dealt with.

– LAUDED the road crew for keeping the roads cleared during the recent snowfall. Trustees are asking residents to move their vehicles so the streets can be plowed.

– AGREED to contribute up to $25,000 toward the addition of a salt shed located at the township building. The total cost of the addition will be $40,000 with Ohio Department of Transportation providing $20,000. Both use the salt shed to store salt used for roads.

– INSTRUCTED Charlie Meiser, road superintendent, to clear out the snow from around the recycling bin at Giant Eagle store in Wilkshire Hills. Residents are not able to deposit their recyclable items.

View original article.